Friday, February 4, 2011

Walking is Grrrrreat!

How many of you walk, bike, or take public transportation to work/school? For those of you who do, you understand how rewarding it can be! What better way to start the day than getting some fresh air, right?

For those of you who don't currently walk or bike to your end destination, this is why I enjoy it. I live in downtown Columbia and I find that the mile walk to campus each day is exactly what I need: no matter what the weather is like outside. Here is what walking to class helps me to do before I start my day:

--Clears my head
--Releases some energy before I have to sit down for an hour +
--Saves money/hassle of driving
--Gives me some alone time
--I can think, zone out, or plan my day all on a walk
--If the weather is nice, I get to enjoy it even if my day is really busy!

The reason why I encourage YOU to look into the PedNet Coalition a little more is because their mission is unique and important! They offer numerous opportunities to get outdoors and become more physically fit.

Think about it....

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