Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"want to ride 'rents say too cold:( c u!"

When I started this whole Bike Brigade thing, I really didn't know what to expect or how it would work. I figured that as the weather worsened, most kids would stop riding and it would be just Max, Annarose and I biking through the winter as usual. Some kids did stop riding with winter's arrival, but as the temperatures dropped, a core group of kids kept showing up each morning. I didn't make a big deal about it, but I was always pleasanlty surprised. The first day with temperatures below 32 degrees, I didn't make a big deal about it. The kids showed up, got on their bikes and rode to school without complaint or remark. I didn't say anything about the temperature until we arrived at school.

When we arrived at the bike racks, I said "Wow! Do you guys even realize how amazing you are?! It's 27 degrees and you just rode your bikes to school. You are so awesome!"

Now, it is February 1 and five kids are still riding their bikes to Smithton and three kids are riding their bikes to Lee Elementary daily....through snow, rain and extreme cold. On days when the weather is especially harsh, some kids are not allowed to ride. When this happens, I invariably receive texts like this: "want 2 ride 'rents say 2 cold :( c u!" These texts give me a smile and a chuckle. I absolutely understand and respect parents concerns for their children and not wanting them to ride when it is too cold. I just find it sweet and funny that the kids want me to know that they want to ride.

I am very lucky. I honestly can not think of a better way to begin and end my days than riding bik with kids. They are amazing and inspire me daily.

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